Everybody is familiar with what life is and how to sustain it. However, most of this knowledge revolves around its physical aspect. Humans need air, food, water, sleep, clothing and shelter. These are the fundamental necessities that enhance or shape their quality of life.
But what about their spiritual lives? For most, spirituality can be a touchy subject that triggers countless intellectual opinions and arguments. Yet, in spite of how controversial it can be, there’s nothing more integral to life than understanding spiritual life.
What Encompasses Spiritual Life?
Understanding spiritual life can be more complicated with spirituality being a broad concept to comprehend fully. But to make things more concise, a spiritual life is a life lived with God. It’s one where people confide and lean toward Him for comfort, guidance, and overall enlightenment. In a more technical description, such a life occurs the moment people are born again, not merely from their mothers’ wombs but through the Holy Spirit.
People live through life, finding a more profound meaning in it. They go through their routines, coping through rough tides and easing through smoother ones in hopes of everything making sense and painting a purposeful picture one day.
Where does spirituality come into this equation?
What does it contribute?
The simple answer is that spirituality makes the journey towards the answers more straightforward. Understanding spiritual life helps people see things through a deeper, more profound lens. It helps them transcend through mundane experiences, putting meaning behind matters and recognizing that there is something greater than oneself.

How Important Is Spiritual Life?
To live a spiritual life is to live beyond selfishness and towards a purposeful unfolding of life. This captures the significance of pursuing and understanding spiritual life.
Despite spirituality being a religious concept, studies have shown the profound benefits of pursuing and understanding spiritual life. It’s been proven to have an apparent connection with people’s well-being, influencing them physically and mentally. After all, to live a spiritual life is to live beyond selfishness and towards a purposeful unfolding of life. In short terms, it enhances people’s lives.
Without it, they will be forced to live in bleakness and monotony. Without the belief of something greater, they will quickly lose the drive to push in spite of challenges and beyond downfalls. This is precisely why people are encouraged and reminded to tap into this aspect of their lives.
The Power of Understanding Spiritual Life Through One Man’s Story
Most of the must-read spiritual life books are written to inspire readers toward spirituality, and Mitchell W. Pezdek Jr.’s Blue Skies and Dove of Peace is no different.
This autobiography details the author’s journey through joyous and sorrowful moments, celebrating his successes and processing his failures. Through his experiences, Mitchell hopes to be a companion for people who are and will be undergoing similar situations.
He understands how rough life can be, and his experiences are his testimonies to this. Mitchell bared his life to empower his readers and remind them that while things get better, they need the aid of faith to help them through. With his never-dying faith and trust in God, he overcame his slumps and rose to victory. His journey is a testament to how spirituality helps, acting as a compass that leads people toward better grounds and circumstances.
“Modern times are truly testing all of us, and many people have turned away from God.” This excerpt from his book captures how distant people have become. Woven through his story is a persuasion for people to return back and seek a spiritual life.

How can they do so?
What Is Spirituality in Everyday Life?
Spirituality is a concept encompassing life. It’s integrating people’s experiences with the overarching idea that there is something beyond their current circumstances. It’s a way of life.
This might make the whole concept seemingly difficult to practice. However, people can easily incorporate spirituality into their day-to-day routines. Understanding spiritual life will make it easy for them to be conscious about their decisions, leading them closer to embracing such a concept. Spirituality takes numerous forms and is manifested through countless approaches.
A few common examples are:
Become More Compassionate
This is easier said than done. While it’s integral for people to cultivate compassion and love, especially when interacting with others, there will be moments when anger, sadness, or fear disconnect them from the world.
Tapping into love and compassion is achieved by understanding how others are feeling. Be a bit more patient when engaging with others. In soothing oneself, especially when in the presence of others, people will notice how these negative emotions dissipate.
Always think, “What is the appropriate loving response here?” when encountering something frustrating. By cultivating this virtue, people will see a clearer and more meaningful way of life.
Ask For Guidance
A way to live a more spiritual life is by being vulnerable and asking God for help. Understanding spiritual life will help people realize that while this is supposed to empower them, they must first go through moments of weakness and vulnerability. There is nothing wrong in showing this, as this doesn’t signify their weakness. Don’t be hesitant to pray. Whatever it is that’s burdening your mind, unburden it to God. People lose nothing by reaching out.

Cultivate Forgiveness
God is ever-merciful. Hence, if people want to live closer to Him, they must embody His virtues. When someone has wronged people, forgiving them can be a challenge. This will be tough to uphold, especially when there’s pain in their hearts. However, if they wish to experience life more meaningfully and live in abundance, they must practice forgiveness.
Let go of resentment. Release the anger and frustration. Be forgiving. These are some of the primary, most doable ways to practice spirituality. When people consciously choose to live with these in mind, they won’t have difficulty experiencing a leveled-up and more enlightened version of themselves.
If you’re interested in reading how Mitchell W. Pezdek Jr. practiced spirituality in his journey, grab a copy of his book Blue Skies and the Dove of Peace.
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Mitchell Pezdek, Jr.
As I have discussed my autobiography with people who have read it, I am pleased that they find it interesting and “easy to read”. I continually ask the readers questions, such as these:
1. Why are you reading mybook?
2. Have you had tragic experiences that tested your belief in GOD?
3, Do you believe in GOD, and are you prepared for the death of your body?
4. Do you know what “Poor Man’s Harvard” means?
5. Have you asked the 6 Basic Questions about your life, and what were the answers?
I constantly challenge my readers to think about their lives, and whether they are happy with what they have done.